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Sunday, 1 January 2012

From "Just For Fun" to "For The Long Run"

Hi. I'm very happy. I've finished all my holiday homework and I have like 10 hours till I go back to the routine I once followed, I mean which I followed till a couple of weeks back (duh, the vacation!). Anyway, you might be asking , "Why this title?". Well, that's the point I'm going to make.

The base of this is my rapping life. What I had just done during a free period at school, when an idea came into my mind, has now left me yearning to become a master at it. You know it : Raps! To quote from Inception,
What is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? ....... An idea. Resilient, highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it's almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed, fully understood. That sticks, right in there somewhere. 
That's what happened to me. An idea caught hold of my mind and now I can't let it go. Though, it's not bad. Not at all! I love it! I mean, I was able to find an interest. You see, now I want to go further.

It all started in a Sanskrit period. The teacher gave us free time. Then, after some time of chattering with my friends, an idea suddenly came. It was to make a rap of my Maths teacher (no offence, ma'am). My classmates had made parodies about her, so I knew what to write (no offence again). I had listened to some raps, like John Cena's, Eminem's, etc. So, I had a basic idea about what to do. The rap I did in class needed some (a lot) editing. I sat down on a Sunday and typed it onto my laptop, making the necessary changes while doing so. Then, I thought I'd publish it somewhere. I thought,"Hey, I have a blog, why can't I put it there?", and then i did. Then came the inspiration to do a second one. I did that more easily and published it too. 

Then I wanted to do a third. This time I thought I would do one about myself. The way my friends mock me. I did that. And that one was the biggest. After that, it became quiet for a while...

Now, I'm feeling the desire to do a fourth one! I want to make improvements. So, I surfed the net. And I found some useful points to help me. I am going to create another one soon. Though, mine are not actually completely raps. A rap's supposed to be a song (kinda), right? Well, I thought I'd just settle with the lyrics. I don't have the necessary tools for rapping; singing along with a beat on the mic, etc etc. When I feel that I've reached the time to do so, I will. Till then, it's just verses. 

Now, I also want to become sort of gangstery. I don't know from where I got the influence for that (maybe the Heel John Cena), but I just want to do what I want to do. 

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how powerful an idea is. It can change your view. It can alter your routes. It will sometimes take you on highways, or sometimes country roads. But, if you like the idea, just keep on going with it. 

He He. Just using whatever 'raw materials'. I wonder what i'll be when I grow up!

Oh! And one more thing. This might be the last time I can post freely for about three months. And the latter two of the three I might not even be able to post! Anyway, I hope you liked the idea of 'Idea'. 

Saying goodbye.


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